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Help for Fannie and Freddie loans, New programs like HAFA & HAMP

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac just announced the introduction of their own HAFA programs. They’re both scheduled to be implemented by August 1, 2010, and the programs are very similar to HAFA in that they simplify and streamline the use of short sales and deed-in-lieu (DIL) options and use similar forms and timelines. In addition, like HAFA, the program expires December 31, 2012. However, some of the major differences offered by the new Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac HAFA programs include, but are not limited to:

– Both institutions will pay the servicer a $2,200 incentive fee for successful short sales
– Both institutions will pay the servicer a $1,500 incentive fee for all successful DILs
– The Deed for Lease (D4L) is available for borrowers who request and are approved to remain in the property following a successful DIL

Specific details on these programs can be found by visiting the following links: and Freddie Mac Bulletin or view PDFs below.
.pdf Freddie Bulletin
.pdf Fannie Hafa Overview